Welcome to cocor! This is a website allowing to conduct statistical comparisons between correlations. Click "Start analysis" to begin!

The calculations rely on the tests implemented in the package cocor for the R programming language. An article describing cocor and the cocor R package documentation are available. Here you find an overview of all implemented tests.
You can integrate the R code generated by this web interface in your own R script. To do so, you can download the cocor package from here or r-project.org. Alternatively, you can type one of the following commands in the R console to install:
install.packages("cocor", lib="/my/own/R-packages/")
# alternative repository
install.packages("cocor", lib="/my/own/R-packages/", repo="http://comparingcorrelations.org/repo")

The cocor package also includes a GUI extension for the R front-end RKWard, which you can use instead of this web interface.